Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I've never met Elden and his family, but I have come to respect and admire them all over the last year that I have been following his blog.

Elden's wife Susan has fought cancer and fought hard for a long time. Elden's ability to voice what has been happening and make the fight real and personal has brought this fight to the world, probably more than any one else I know.

Both my mother and grandmother fought breast cancer and overcame. They were lucky and very blessed. There are many more who fight just as hard, but this disease is nasty and unrelenting.

Elden, instead of turning inward, turned outward and brought in hundreds (maybe even thousands) of people into his army. Teaming with Livestrong he and his followers have raised over $500,000. I have a feeling that it is only beginning.

Tonight Susan passed on. As Elden put it "Don't say she lost." Instead, "Fight LIKE Susan."

Please help Elden in his quest to rid the world of cancer. Help him HATE cancer if you will. Donate money on his Livestrong page. Help him help others.


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